Brooks Consulting Provide a wide array of Management Consulting services in the area of Human Resources. At Brooks We analyse the current salary structures and trends followed by the organization. We purpose the correct salary structure and directing the clients to implement the correct salary structure as per the applicable tax laws or employment laws. Furthermore Brooks Consulting also review the current employment agreement and advise our clients to use the best format covering all clauses related to HR laws. Brooks Management consulting task also include review the payroll structures of the company and recommendation to management of internal audit in the form of presentation and report within budget, time and scope. At Brooks we keep emphasise on Management and Stakeholders business project requirements.
At Brooks Consulting our experts make the orgizations more efficient and purpose the solutions,They analyse the current SWOT and Gap analysis on client’s projects, identify their shortcomings and purpose timely solutions to overcome and improve performance and ROI. Today majority of our clients includes multinational corporates and almost from all industries like Information technology, Telecom, Energy, health care & manufacturing.
Brooks Consulting Private Limited, Company Registration Number CIN: U74120DL2007PTC165802
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